<![CDATA[HOMEOPATHY WITH EDEL - Blog]]>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 21:45:24 +0000Weebly<![CDATA[Organon of the Medical Art by Samuel Hahnemann(2)]]>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 20:44:52 GMThttp://rhsl.ie/blog/organon-of-the-medical-art-by-samuel-hahnemann2Homeopath Richard H. Pitcairn

Samuel Hahnemann says the life force is not designed to deal with disease. Its role is to operate and maintain the physical instrument in an optimal state, not to deal with disease threats.
Organon Introduction: The life force, that glorious power innate in the human being, was ordained to conduct life in the most perfect way during its health. The life force, which is equally present in all parts of the organism (in the sensible as well as the irritable fibre) is the untiring mainspring of all normal natural bodily functions. It was not at all created for the purpose of helping itself in diseases nor for exercising a medical art worthy of imitation. No!
This life force reaction, Hahnemann tells us, is not effective, is awkward, resulting in what we call the disease state. Thus Hahnemann tells us in the Introduction not to imitate it. In his day he was referring to the various imitative practices such as sweating the patient, blood-letting, causing diarrhoea, that these are not useful. The conventional medicine of our time now puts more emphasis on blocking or removing the effects of the mistunement while leaving the underlying disease itself unchanged.
The Homeopathic Mechanism: Having this perspective we can now look again at how the remedy has effect. We see in aphorism 29, the description of the process.
Aphorism §29
The life principle, which has been dynamically mistuned by the natural disease, is seized, during homeopathic cure, by the similar yet somewhat stronger artificial disease-affection which results from the application of the medicinal potence, selected exactly according to symptom similarity.
The feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease-affection is extinguished and disappears for the life principle and, from then on, no longer exists for the life principle which is occupied solely by the stronger artificial disease-affection.
The remedy, being similar to the original disease influence, meets the same susceptibility in the patient. In other words, the individual is as susceptible to be influenced by the remedy as to the disease influence. It is the similarity.

The remedy influence can be made stronger than the disease influence. That disease influence does not have much strength and we can make a remedy have much more power through the process of dilution and succussion.
When this similar remedy is administered, being more powerful and also similar, it simply takes over the attention of the life force. The remedy is seen as more of a possible threat. When the wesen’s attention is shifted to the remedy, that releases the prior focus/attachment to the disease influence which had held it in place. It is now released, gone. The remedy effect is short, temporary, and leaves only the state of health.
We can say that the homeopathic process is really simple. When the attention of the life force is focused on what is seen as a threatening influence we can distract it from that focus by giving a substance that will be seen the same way, only stronger. The original influence now moves on, once freed of focussed attention.
Why is the second influence, the remedy, not also causing disease in the same way? A good question don’t you think?  Possibly it has to do with its similarity. It is not an exact match to the original disease influence, rather very similar to it. Perhaps that similarity is eventually recognised and the attention of the life force is not sustained on it. I have seen reports of using for treatment the presumed cause of the problem as a remedy and it actually causing more disease. For example, treating poison ivy rash with a remedy made from poison ivy. Hahnemann clearly tells us not to use the same, but the similar.
There are many mote doors we could go through, to pastures that are very interesting, but we do not have time now. I hope you have enjoyed the trip, and will enjoy the rest of the journey.

Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
THIS WEBSITE IS INFORMATION ONLY. The information on this website is based on the opinion and beliefs of Edel Bolger O’Hora. Edel would love to hear from you. To book a consultation, please use the online contact form on www.rhsl.ie

<![CDATA[Organon of the Medical Art by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann(1)]]>Mon, 20 Jan 2025 19:15:51 GMThttp://rhsl.ie/blog/organon-of-the-medical-art-by-dr-samual-hahnemann1Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora

​The Organon of the Medical Art written by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) is a creative document that applies to today’s health and well-being as it did in his lifetime. This article will cover the meaning he gave to the ‘spiritual vital force’. This vital force dominates and controls the body it occupies.
There is the common assumption that the physical body is primary and its existence, and that of the brain, is what brings about consciousness. Hahnemann’s model is the exact opposite. According to him, it is not just that the body, itself, is an inactive “instrument” as he calls it, he calls it “living, healthy instrument”, but that the “spirit-like life force” is totally in charge, then we have a completely different view of reality. He refers to the life force as an “autocracy”, the dictionary defining the word as “absolute power, totalitarianism, dictatorship, …”
As if this is not enough, he adds that this life force has this purpose so that “our indwelling, rational spirit can freely avail itself of this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.” If we put this into our own words, Hahnemann is saying that what we are, as a being, is not a physical organism but a spiritual one. It is the spirit which is “rational” that which thinks, is conscious. The physical body is simply a tool that is used for a purpose that the spirit has in creating it to be used.
Aphorism 9
In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual vital force (autocracy), the dynamis that animates the material body (organism), rules with unbounded sway, and retains all the parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purpose of our existence.
The next question would be why there are health problems. If the life force is an autocracy, completely in control, then why would it be affected is such a way that we experience disturbed health? In answer to this, we will note that Hahnemann says that disease is not physical. He calls it a “mistunement” of the life force.
Footnote 31
When I call disease a tunement or mistunement of the human condition, I am far from wanting to give, thereby, a hyperphysical explanation about the inner nature of diseases generally, or of a single case of disease in particular. This expression is only meant to imply what diseases, as has been proven, are not and cannot be (physical). They are not mechanical or chemical alterations of the material substance of the organism; they are not dependent on material disease matter. They are solely spirit-like, dynamic mistunements of life.
This explains what he considers the disturbance to be but does not tell us why it happens. Why is the autocracy of the life force mistuned, altered from its usual pattern? He addresses it in aphorism 148.
Aphorism 148
A natural disease is never to be regarded as some noxious matter situated somewhere inside or outside the person. Rather, natural disease is engendered by a spirit-like inimical potence that disturbs, as if by a kind of contagion, the spirit-like life principle that reigns, with its instinctual governance, in the entire organism. Like an evil spirit, it torments the life principle, forcing it to engender certain sufferings and disorders in the course of its life. These are known as symptoms or diseases.

The word “inimical” means something harmful or injurious. He is saying there exists, at the same level, the spiritual (non-physical), an influence that comes in contact with the life force of the person or animal and has effect on it. Alarming as this sounds, it is important to know that Hahnemann also says these influences are not very powerful.
#31 The—partly psychical and partly physical—inimical potencies in life on earth (which we call disease malignities) do not possess an absolute power to morbidly mistune the human condition. We become diseased by them only when our organism is just exactly and sufficiently disposed and laid open to be assailed by the cause of disease that is present, and to be altered in its condition, mistuned and displaced into abnormal feelings and functions. Hence these inimical potences do not make everyone sick every time.
Hahnemann says these influences are not absolutely powerful, and this is what is really important here — “We become diseased by them only when our organism is just exactly and sufficiently disposed and laid open to be assailed by the cause of disease that is present…” In other words, we have to come to the position of being susceptible to them prior to the exposure to the inimical influence. 
I am bringing this ‘spirit life force’ and definition of health forward at the beginning of the year. Our daily habits, good and bad, affect our susceptibility to ‘dis-ease’. At this time of the year, we look at and can reform our habits so our ‘spirit life force’ becomes more resistant to outside influences.
New Years Resolution for the ‘spirit life force ‘are well known to reduce susceptibility and increase resistance in people: 
  1. Recognizing the things in your life that you can be grateful for is good for your mental and physical wellness. "It literally breathes new life into us. It recharges, and it rejuvenates
  2. It sounds cheesy, but if you have healthy family relationships, do everything you can to maintain them. Family members can help you get through tough times and celebrate the great times. This year, try to carve out one-on-one time with loved ones (close friends can be family too!)
  3. Mindfulness doesn’t require hours of weekly meditation or any special training. In fact, practicing mindfulness is just doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life and who you are right now
  4. Set aside one meal every week (even lunch on a weekend!) to try cooking with a new ingredient or making a new-to-you dish. You might be pleasantly surprised to find another dinnertime staple for your household
  5. Are you the type of person that puts off vacuuming until the pet hair is too obvious to ignore? Try scheduling cleaning time into your weekly calendar so that things never get so messy that it’s intimidating to start
  6. There’s a reason dry January and sober October are popular today. Actually, there are many reasons! Not only is drinking alcohol associated with a wide range of health risks, it also costs a lot of money. In the process, you might improve your mood, sleep, skin as well as your immune system
  7. It’s time to stop shrugging off issues like insomnia and make a solid effort toward high-quality shuteye. A lack of sleep can lead to an array of problems, from memory problems to immune system challenges. A few ideas for better sleep: Tweak your bedtime routine, pay attention to your caffeine intake and exercise more
  8. Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a club will help you meet new people in the process. Sites like Meetup can help you find a group of people with similar interests, and you can work on creating meetups with new friends in the process. Creative clubs can also be a boon in helping you stick to mastering a new craft
  9. Cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health, particularly your lungs — but tobacco products in general (including vapes!) pose a serious threat. If you've tried before but need a bit more help, experts at the Cancer Society outline a few tools that you can turn to this year
  10. Whether you're working on weight management or towards a balanced diet, vegetables are your friends. Fiber-rich vegetables are especially crucial for healthy hearts and strong veins: "A heart-healthy diet emphasizes produce, balanced by fiber-rich whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes, and lean proteins," she says. The healthiest vegetables that you should try to eat daily often double down on gut-healthy fiber
  11. Just the presence of indoor plants can lower human stress levels, research shows, and one study found that actively caring for plants calmed the autonomic nervous system and lowered blood pressure. And when people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality.
  12. Take 10 minutes to run up the stairs in your office, home or nearby park. A published study in the journal Physiology & Behaviour found that tired women who climbed stairs for 10 minutes got a bigger energy boost than those who had the caffeine equivalent of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee (and burned calories too!).
  13. If you're reevaluating your intimacy, start by thinking about time spent simply in the arms of your loved one. Cuddling is often underestimated for its ability to bolster physical intimacy. But relationship experts say cuddling can help you feel more connected to your partner than ever. Cuddling just for fun can fight stress and improve both of your moods' by increasing oxytocin hormones and may also bolster blood pressure, too. "When you're regularly physically affectionate with your partner, they're more likely to see you as trustworthy and likable," 

Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
THIS WEBSITE IS INFORMATION ONLY. The information on this website is based on the opinion and beliefs of Edel Bolger O’Hora. Edel would love to hear from you. To book a consultation, please use the contact me form on www.rhsl.ie

<![CDATA[A Case of Pulsatilla]]>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 18:42:04 GMThttp://rhsl.ie/blog/a-case-of-pulsatillaHomeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
S.S. is 2years old. She is confident child, fair and well built. 
Mum is concerned that she has had repeated ear infections, all  associated with teething in since birth. Mum was anxious that her tonsils are also rather large.
Family Anamnesis
The maternal side has a history of ear problems and sensitivity to the seasons with hay fever presenting also. The paternal side have heart issues predominating.
Findings at First Visit
‘ S.S  has ear infections with fevers. She wakes screaming and poking at her ear. When she teeth’s she has a running nose, not burning. We were on holidays and it is from the pool I think. She gets an ear every 6/8 weeks. She has lots of words so I don’t think her hearing is affected’. After the antibiotics she gets thrush in the mouth. Her toes nails have ‘fungal infection, as you see they are curled and thickened in places’
‘Wet on the hairline when in the bed, or coming out of the bed’
Rubrics(Complete Dynamic) 
Mind, biting, children, in
Ear, inflammation, chronic, children, in
Ear pain, children, in
Stomach thirst, morning, on
Sleep, waking, early, too
LM2 Pulsatilla
Review 6 weeks later
‘She did have an infection and fever once but I gave her the Narayani War and it all settled. She recovered well.’
‘No temperature in the last 7 days for the first time in a year.’

‘Sleep much improved’.
LM3 Pulsatilla
Review 6 weeks later
S.S.  has no issues and is thriving. Mum gives her Pulsatilla 30C when she is under the weather and she recovers well. Her mother uses homeopathic remedies from her Homeopathic First Aid Remedy Kit for the minor ailments that happen within the family.
Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
THIS WEBSITE IS INFORMATION ONLY. The information on this website is based on the opinion and beliefs of Edel Bolger O’Hora. Edel would love to hear from you. To book a consultation, please use the  Contact me form on my website www.rhs.ie

<![CDATA[A Case of Opium]]>Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:32:48 GMThttp://rhsl.ie/blog/a-case-of-opiumHomeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
C.G. is 3years old. He cam to me with his Mum. Constipation is the issue. Mum tells me he is headstrong, determined and loves dad swinging him’.
‘He always sits on the floor to ‘poo’. Varying degrees of strain and red face. After weekend parties then he is irregular( sugar. Irritable, clingy and in pain trying to get do his poos.’ Suppositories are very distressing to give and then it happens.
‘For teething ‘he has, very loose. He is better for having smoothes, vegetables and he is worse for dairy’.
Family Anamnesis
Dad’s family has cancers background and Mum has history of alimentary canal issues, irritable bowel, constipations. 
Findings at First Visit
‘He has had lots of chest infections especially when teething. His birthing was rough and in the end he was extracted but all that settled with the breast feeding. He sounds chesty all the time but the doctor says his lungs are clear’.
‘He had eczema as a baby behind the left knee that was red, scaly and circular. He still had a little bit of it’.
Constipation, infant of
Constipation, stool, recedes
Constipation, travelling, while
Coryza, salivation with
Cough, drinking, amel
Cough, suffocating
LM2 Opium
Review 6 weeks later
‘It cleared up really well’.
‘His c
hest is really good’.
‘He is more mild in that when I say ‘no’ it isn’t a row anymore.’
LM3 Opium
Review 6 weeks later
C.G got a chest infection again but recovered himself from it. No antibiotic/steroids. That is a first. His mood is generally better.
The Present
This child continues to thrive. He has not needed another prescription. His mother uses homeopathic remedies from her Homeopathic First Aid Remedy Kit for the minor ailments that happen with this age group.
Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
THIS WEBSITE IS INFORMATION ONLY. The information on this website is based on the opinion and beliefs of Edel Bolger O’Hora. Edel would love to hear from you. To book a consultation, please use the  Contact me form on my website www.rhs.ie

<![CDATA[Preparing Yourself and Your Room for Vipasana]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 16:23:28 GMThttp://rhsl.ie/blog/preparing-yourself-and-your-room-for-vipasanaPreparing for Vipasana means opening up your entire self-heart-body, mind, heart and soul. The sacred marriage is the dynamic and endlessly fertile dance of seeming dualities that are secretly interconnected: transcendence and immanence, absolute and relative reality, light and matter, masculine and feminine, mind and heart, soul and body. It is the ecstatic dance, the mystics of all traditions tell us, that is ceaselessly birthing the universes and appearing as them in every cell of the body.  
As the Hindu mystic Jnaneshwar wrote:
Without the God
There is no Goddess,
And without the goddess, 
There is no god. 
How sweet is their love!
The entire Universe
is too small to contain them,
Yet they live happily
in the tiniest particle
In a time like ours, the creation of sacred space is not only an act of celebration of the sacred marriage, it is an urgent prayer for sacred space. Knowing and feeling this will lend your practice, from the beginning, a heightened calm intensity and clarity. Your practice not only transforms yourself but also transforms the unjust and oppressive conditions of the world that creates suffering.
Setting your intention for your practice creates a space where you are going to experience your body as a temple. That body will radiate light to ourselves and to others. Create an alter that inspires you. Images of Gods and goddesses, photos of family and friends, candles and special stones, anything that speaks to you of illumination, inspiration and sacred presence.
When beginning your practice enter into a space that is the present moment. In silence, tune in to your heart and allow it to form and intention that will guide your practice. At first you may not be certain of your intention but allow yourself be guided and it will come to you. One suggested prayer from the Buddhist tradition ‘May from the merits of my practice all sentient beings everywhere be liberated from suffering” or from the Christian position St Frances prayer “Lord make me an instrument of your peace.
Resistance is experienced by all of us from time to time. On those occasions simply feel the sensation, do not identify with it, as if that is all you are. Use the breath to release the resistance. Respond to the pain with compassion. Your breath will reveal to you subtle truths about your body and emotions if you keep listening to and observing it.
O Friend, understand : the body
is like the ocean,
rich with hidden treasures.
In ending your practice be compassionate to yourself. You will become aware of your authentic self. You will experience love for yourself and all those around you will feel that love.
Heart Yoga, the sacred marriage of Yoga and Mysticism: Andrew Harvey and Karuna Erickson IBSN 978-1-55643-897-4
A Guide to Sacred Activism: the Hope: Andrew Harvey IBSN 978-1-84850-106-5
Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
THIS WEBSITE IS INFORMATION ONLY. The information on this website is based on the opinion and beliefs of Edel Bolger O’Hora. Edel would love to hear from you. To book a consultation, please use the  ‘Contact me” form on this Website