Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, had succeeded repeatedly in dispelling promptly and mildly, many acute troubles and found them recurring and finally not yielding to the remedies previously beneficial in the same disorder in the same individual, he sought an underlying disturbance. Then he discovered and revealed the scope of the three chronic miasms. Medorrhinum is one of the remedies to be considered when apparently homoeopathic remedies do not give proper results or do not hold results gained, when the same disorder takes different forms in successive recurrences in the same individual, when convalescence fails to occur after acute disorders or no definite image can be formed, in children of gouty, rheumatic or catarrhal parents. In such constitutions compare the symptom-image with provings of Medorrhinum. CONSTITUTIONAL AND CHARACTERISTIC The following are the symptoms of Medorrhinum provings which have been observed in children:
ILLUSTRATIVE CASES Girl, 2 ½ years old who, in early months had much digestive disturbance, intestinal pain, lack of nutrition, pallid, transparent skin, face sometimes gray with red eyelids and lachrymation, especially in open air. Head drawn back during sleep. In early weeks, rolling head on pillow and generally restless when awake. Later, restless during sleep, all over bed from head to foot. Perspiration copious over entire body, during sleep, pillow-naked from it. Weight at birth between eight and nine pounds. At five months had gained but two pounds. At age of one year, anterior fontanelle open to length of one inch, no teeth erupted, no efforts to use feet, even to press upon them, flesh flabby. Eruption about buttocks of clusters of red rash, at times dry and scaly. Cervical and jugular region enlarged. Respiration obstructed by adenoid development. Fed at that time on cow’s milk modified with malted milk. Mentally alert and inclined to be precocious. Sensitive paroxysms of nervous weeping. In this first year there was no practical, continued improvement in her condition, carefully observed and treated with what appeared to be homoeopathically indicated remedies. 1st Prescription: Medorrhinum This was followed by diarrhoea of yellow, mushy, offensive evacuations and later, eruption in large splotches, spread from head over entire body. 2nd Prescription Calc and Silica The gland on right side of neck suppurated, discharging thin, green and thick curdy masses without pain. The tumor on left side of neck continued to increase to the size of 2 1/8 X 3 7/8 X 3/4 inches protrusion from surface of neck. At this time, January, she had six teeth in front of mouth, four back teeth on left side and no teeth on right side. She weighed 25 pounds, was able to stand, but fearful about walking alone, chattered much unintelligibly, speaking a few words clearly and presented a very irritable, fretty disposition. The mother reported at that time, that she reclined much on the abdomen and frequently with knees drawn up and face in the pillow. 3rd Prescription Medorrhinum Decided activity in the glandular tumors followed, accompanied by improvement in the child. By softening, absorption and suppurative discharge of greenish yellow, offensive, partly bloody, fluid and white, curdy masses the entire mass was reduced so that no swelling was observed by inspection. 4th Prescription Lycopodium The child is far from complete restoration to health, but vastly improved. On the right side there is a small, softer enlargement posterior to the old one, though not increasing now. Conclusion The mother of this child was under observation and treatment all during and at times before her pregnancy. Both parents are especially fastidious. Careful investigation into the family history reveals no evidence of sycotic infection in either of the parents nor in the grandparents on one side. Practitioner’s Learning From all that could be learned, the conclusion was drawn that the miasm was transmitted in this case through three generations. The nosode has changed the physical condition of the child and gave hopeful prognosis for her future life. References https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/medorrhinum-in-childrens-disorders/ https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Med Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well being.
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