Michael Farrelly, Homeopath(May 2011) Autism – the experience I often feel that the daily life experience of a child with autism must be like someone who is living in some foreign country without knowing the local language and who is constantly exposed to the sense of fear, insecurity and stress. These children are unable to get in touch with our emotional world. They have lost confidence in this world and are in an imprisoned state; and will remain there until they regain the confidence to return to the “normal” emotional world. This also helps to explain why autism so often arises after vaccinations. Being injected with toxic vaccines can be the last straw for a sensitive, susceptible child. However, I have also treated autistic children who were never vaccinated, but a common occurrence is some traumatic emotional experience during the pregnancy or early childhood. The bottom line is that the level of trauma has been sufficient to trigger the autistic state and as every child is an individual, that level of trauma and the response to it will be individual. If everybody understood how a little child can become autistic, many preventative measures could be taken to dramatically reduce the number of autistic children all over the world. These children are not grounded, they have not incarnated properly, their spirit is reluctant to enter fully or retreats at any early stage in response to trauma. Autism – treatment by homeopathy In my view, the essence of the autistic condition is a loss of the self through cumulative assaults from the moment of conception and through the first few years, when the self emerges as a conscious entity. The self as a conscious entity has not emerged in these children. Of course, the focus of homeopathy is not to treat the isolated symptoms of the autistic child, but to treat the child as a whole. While any remedy may be required in any individual case, in my experience certain remedies come up more often than others. Some of these include the Solanacea family Stramonium, Hyoscyamus and Belladonna. Spider remedies, Mercurius, Cuprum, Veratrum Album, Zinc and Opium often arise. A remedy of great effectiveness in many cases is Saccharum Officinale. I owe a lot of my understanding of this remedy to Tinus Smits, the Dutch homeopath who sadly passed away in February 2010 and who wrote extensively about this remedy. Some other remedies I have found useful are Carcinosin, Milk remedies, Cicuta Virosa, Iodum, Baryta Carb, Placenta and Limestone. If we look at some of the rubrics that three of these remedies have in common, we can get an insight into some causations as well as the terrible mental state of some of these children: Belladonna, Stramonium and Mercurius all have Ailments from fright Ailments from vaccination There is a huge sense of being under attack Delusion, murdered, he will be [Bell, Merc] Delusion, pursued by enemies [Bell] Delusion, surrounded by enemies/everyone is an enemy [Merc] Delusion, is being injured [Stram] Delusion, dogs attack him [Stram] Fierce animals are ready to attack Delusion, dogs sees [Bell] Delusion, is alone in the wilderness [Stram] Delusion, animals jump out of the ground [Stram] A remedy that I have found very useful in some cases has been Thymus Gland. The word thymos denotes life-force or soul! The thymus gland is the organ that enables us to distinguish between what is “me” and “not me”. It helps create and maintain the immune system and it regulates the right amount of immunity, like a thermostat. It is very important in Cancer and Autoimmune diseases and, interestingly, many ASD children have biological markers consistent with an autoimmune disease. The thymus gland has been described as the “Black Box” of negative events, recording whatever has changed the original life pattern and the remedy can open the person up to past traumas, explore the darkness within and unlock and resolve maintaining causes of trauma. Part of its picture is also birth trauma (very common in ASD) and the overuse of all kinds of drugs, as well as a set facial expression (again common in ASD). I have found this remedy to be particularly powerful in bringing “hidden” symptoms into full view, often to be treated with other remedies. Autism and vaccination The use of homeopathic antidotes to vaccines, antibiotics and other medications the child has been exposed to, can give great results. I have seen some cases respond very favourably to this approach, especially to MMR and DPT but also to BCG. Of course, the success of this approach proves that for some children, vaccines are at least part of their difficulty. Despite the damage from them, more and more vaccines are being pushed, with more and more viruses and adjuvants in single shots. I think the word “shot” is very appropriate as it is like playing Russian Roulette with a child’s health. There’s so much evidence of this harm and yet the mainstream media continues to push the establishment line that all vaccines are necessary and safe. Even when harm is mentioned, anodyne words and phrases are used about how the policy is well intentioned, for the greater good etc. This is a difficult area for people exposed to the constant propaganda and brainwashing that masquerades as healthcare. Autism and the bigger picture One of the delightful consequences of treating autistic children is how often other family members also come for treatment. This is a gift from those children to their loved ones and from their loved ones to them, as the healing of an autistic child often involves wider family healing. This article is dedicated to my son Adam, who is my joy, my happiness, my inspiration. He teaches me acceptance, perseverance and the ability to embrace change and difference. To my mother and brother Sean who both passed away in recent years, you will always be fondly remembered. Also, to all the special children calling out for healing for themselves and others. References https://irishhomeopathy.ie/list/find_homeopaths# http://www.myspecialneeds.ie/blog/index.php/classical-homeopathy-very-worthwhile/ https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/treating-autistic-spectrum-disorders/ Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a long term, natural and positive approach to your health and well being.
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