With the start of the school year, many children and teenagers suffer with worry and anxiety about going to school. For some it’s a new place with new people; for some kids, leaving parents and home is stressful; and for others, there is a fear of what may happen at school or what might happen to loved ones outside of school during the day.
Reprinted courtesy Allyson McQuinn from: https://arcanum.ca/ I’d like to lay out for you the Constitutional Genotypes from the Autism perspective to make it easier for you to see them through the lens of this condition. Let’s look at the spectrum of typology from the quiet Siliceaat the top of the equation, as the quietest, most insular in comparison to the bottom of the spectrum with Sulphur being the most loud and verbose.
I will do my best, then to fill in the middle parts for you so that you can see how the typical autism child is reflected within Heilkunst. Perhaps that way, you will see how giving that child their Constitutional Remedy would help to round out their Autistic edges while en route to curing the cause of their ills. Patient: 11 yrs old girl – Dx: ADHD, ADD, OCD, Tics, diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome.
First visit – December 2011 (“A” refers to the patient) Lack of concentration in a boy of 10. His strong desire to belong to a group, fear of being expelled, anger from being dominated and low self-worth lead to a Lac remedy.
First consultation: Asthma is a very common condition affecting five per cent of the population at one stage of life. In the Western world, up to ten per cent of children have the disease. In asthma the bronchial tubes narrow and this makes it more difficult to breathe.
AuthorEdel Bolger O'Hora Categories