Paying attention and concentration is a basic prerequisite of child development, forming the foundation of all learning and thinking as well as emotional and social interaction. Attention deficit, impulsivity and hyperactivity(ADHD/ADD) is more commonly diagnosed in today’s Society. Heiner Frei, the Swiss Paediatrician and Homeopath, has written extensively on the benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for the long term development of such children. Along side educational supports and psycotherapy measures Homeopathy can play it’s part in the amelioration of distressing symptoms in these young people.
When I think of children being overwhelmed I think of the times my children were given simply too much things and they literally couldn’t handle their emotions from that experience. That usually came in the format of crying, anger or simply to be left alone. At other times, usually around exam time or developing new skills they would talk incessently to the level of over thinking things and whether they are capable of handling such pressure or/and new things.
Every child is unique which means there ought to be millions of different remedies, one for each child. Fortunately, it’s possible to classify people into types. In Homeopathy there are a handful of remedies suitable to enhance a child’s immune system. Calcarea Carbonica, Lycopodium, Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla and Sulphur are the most commonly used remedies used by Homeopaths for child cases.
Changing is part of living. I know that, at this stage of my life. When I look at how I have changed from my childhood, teenage years, young adult, motherhood and late adulthood. It is awsome. Yet, change can seem just positive or just negative, but in every positive change there is at least negative change and in every negative change there is positive change.
AuthorEdel Bolger O'Hora Categories