Cathy Lemmon (Hpathy April 2023)
The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook (© 2009) presents the idea that disease-causing agents are “invaders” of the body. As with most conventional medical texts, this book seems to prefer referencing these items using terminology that can incite fear and a desire for aggression towards these “invaders”. This is fine, as the conventional idea envelopes the idea of fighting off disease. Even the founder of homeopathy himself, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), referred to sometimes “murderous”4 substances that can cause illness to come upon the body. However, he was very clear in how these are most appropriately viewed – that illness was not caused by something outside the body. Rather, the body will present symptoms commensurate with its susceptibility to what these agents present and how receptive to these our bodies are.
Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (September 2022)
Spiritual homeopathy combines the healing power of homeopathic medicine with a penetrating understanding of the subtle energy bodies in the Human Energy System. These bodies contain our life force, desires and aversions and the soul forces that determine our karma and destiny. They form the context in which we live our lives, either by being balanced and open to life or by being closed and contracted. The etheric body is the subtle body which contains the regenerative life principles that stimulate physical and emotional development; the astral body holds our spirit’s longings and desires and our mentality while the Egoic field showcases our individuality and sense of freedom which allows our soul to flourish. Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (August 2022)
I went cruising this Summer with my friend. We sailed out of Southhampton Harbour, UK on the Princess Cruises Ship. It is to be recommended this trip and I certainly feel well rested and spoiled. What really pleased me was the presence of Homeopathy in the Pharmacies and in the Homeopathic Practices in Spain and France. Homeopath Dana Ullman (April 2008)
Although trained as a medical doctor, Hahnemann was a learned chemist and author of the leading German textbook for apothecaries (pharmacists) of the day. He was conversant in at least nine languages and even supported himself in his mid-twenties teaching languages at the famed University of Homeopath Misha(Hpathy Oct 2009)
Misha Norland is one of the founding fathers of the resurgence in homeopathy in England. He has written two books in which he gathers together and fuses ancient wisdom with contemporary ideas. These ideas, some of which he himself has helped to develop, are currently enhancing the success of classical homeopathy. Misha, drawing on 35 years in practice and 30 years as a teacher, shows how we are able to view symptoms not as isolated phenomena, but as interrelated segments of a developing pathological process. Misha’s thinking show the reader how we can see into the very heart of an individual’s pathology, guiding us to understanding what is to be cured and finding the homeopathic simillimum. |
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