Homeopathy with Edel A 58 year old man came to my practice. He had a history of high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia. He is curt in how he expresses himself but he is open and honest. He is a fit man. First Visit: Dialogue Pains down the legs post heart attack ‘ I get pains in my legs. I never had it before the heart attack’. ‘It just got worse and worse, especially after working, cramp, stand up and the legs feel tight, mostly on the thighs and then right through the whole legs.’ ‘I got three stints put in. The arteries were blocked. They said the valves were ok’. ‘I was three months out of work. When I woke up in the hospital my sister and my brother were at the end of the bed. That is where I was! I appreciate them now because they are what I have now.’ ‘I got to thinking and then time was long, marriage breaking up, away from the kids, living away from my people’. ‘I got very sad reflecting on that. When I got working time went faster and I was better for that.’ ‘I like to think positive, not negative. I try to see the bright side of things.’ Teenage Years ‘They were tough. We were the country boys, catholic. There was lots of abuse to listen to on the bus from school. After school there would be fights. I learned how to put up my shields early! Lifting weights, fights would build up respect for who you are. Mentally I could block stuff out’. ‘I used to go to the house angry, never talk to the kids, it wasn’t easy for anyone’. ‘I am not like that now.’ Mother/Father ‘My mother was the industrious one in our house. She had an organic vegetable business supplying all the local vegetable shops. We would help her.’ ‘I don’t really have anyone to turn to now if I am in trouble’. Angry ‘I loose it, shout, scream and slam the door’. ‘In the good times it was three holidays a year the lot’. Analysis: Rubrics Mind; violent Mind; ailments from; love; disappointed love Mind; fear; failure of Chest; infarction; myocarial/palpitations paroxysmal Extremities; pain; legs; sore Generals; allergic constitution Advice and plan LM3 Aurum daily and follow up in 6 weeks First Follow Up Visit: Dialogue Pains down legs: ‘50% better than they were. I feel terribly tired. Overall much better’. Emotions: ‘’Calmer than I was, coping with unexpected changes’. Advice from Practitioner and plan. Aurum 1M and Syphillinum 200C split. When cramps appears then take Mag Phos plussed in water. Review in 6 weeks. Third Follow Up Visit Pains in legs: ‘Much improved. I am just back from a day of working and I am not too stiff at all despite the cold’. ‘I am stiff though, just getting up out of the chair, once up I am flexible enough’. I am worse for wet, cold, early mornings. ‘I have pain down my arm periodically. I go to a physical therapist when my neck is too stiff and I can’t turn it’. Advice from Practitioner and plan: Syphillinum 1M split and Aurum 10M split Conclusion This man is reconciling his past as a child, his separate living from his family and his stress associated with money and family life/work balance. The remedies make space for this spiritual growth. References https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Aur https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Syph Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well being.
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