Homeopath Richard H. Pitcairn Samuel Hahnemann says the life force is not designed to deal with disease. Its role is to operate and maintain the physical instrument in an optimal state, not to deal with disease threats. Organon Introduction: The life force, that glorious power innate in the human being, was ordained to conduct life in the most perfect way during its health. The life force, which is equally present in all parts of the organism (in the sensible as well as the irritable fibre) is the untiring mainspring of all normal natural bodily functions. It was not at all created for the purpose of helping itself in diseases nor for exercising a medical art worthy of imitation. No! This life force reaction, Hahnemann tells us, is not effective, is awkward, resulting in what we call the disease state. Thus Hahnemann tells us in the Introduction not to imitate it. In his day he was referring to the various imitative practices such as sweating the patient, blood-letting, causing diarrhoea, that these are not useful. The conventional medicine of our time now puts more emphasis on blocking or removing the effects of the mistunement while leaving the underlying disease itself unchanged. The Homeopathic Mechanism: Having this perspective we can now look again at how the remedy has effect. We see in aphorism 29, the description of the process. Aphorism §29 The life principle, which has been dynamically mistuned by the natural disease, is seized, during homeopathic cure, by the similar yet somewhat stronger artificial disease-affection which results from the application of the medicinal potence, selected exactly according to symptom similarity. The feeling of the natural (weaker) dynamic disease-affection is extinguished and disappears for the life principle and, from then on, no longer exists for the life principle which is occupied solely by the stronger artificial disease-affection. The remedy, being similar to the original disease influence, meets the same susceptibility in the patient. In other words, the individual is as susceptible to be influenced by the remedy as to the disease influence. It is the similarity. The remedy influence can be made stronger than the disease influence. That disease influence does not have much strength and we can make a remedy have much more power through the process of dilution and succussion. When this similar remedy is administered, being more powerful and also similar, it simply takes over the attention of the life force. The remedy is seen as more of a possible threat. When the wesen’s attention is shifted to the remedy, that releases the prior focus/attachment to the disease influence which had held it in place. It is now released, gone. The remedy effect is short, temporary, and leaves only the state of health. We can say that the homeopathic process is really simple. When the attention of the life force is focused on what is seen as a threatening influence we can distract it from that focus by giving a substance that will be seen the same way, only stronger. The original influence now moves on, once freed of focussed attention. Why is the second influence, the remedy, not also causing disease in the same way? A good question don’t you think? Possibly it has to do with its similarity. It is not an exact match to the original disease influence, rather very similar to it. Perhaps that similarity is eventually recognised and the attention of the life force is not sustained on it. I have seen reports of using for treatment the presumed cause of the problem as a remedy and it actually causing more disease. For example, treating poison ivy rash with a remedy made from poison ivy. Hahnemann clearly tells us not to use the same, but the similar. There are many mote doors we could go through, to pastures that are very interesting, but we do not have time now. I hope you have enjoyed the trip, and will enjoy the rest of the journey. References https://hpathy.com/organon-philosophy/hahnemanns-vital-force-what-are-the-implications Homeopathy Consultation is a process tailored on a case by case basis. It identifies the individuals reaction to the world they live in and provides homeopathic medicines to give a longer, more natural and positive approach to your health and well-being.
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