In my practice I use Dr. Heiner Frei’s Polarity Analysis when choosing a Simillimum. Polarity analysis (PA) is a method that leads to an efficient and reproducible choice of remedy and increases the precision of prescriptions. It is a development of Boenninghausen’s concept of contraindications.
The diagnosis of attention deficit and /or hyperactivity and other behavioral disorders is a real world epidemic. A great number of parents are looking for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs usually prescribed to “fix” these problems. My experience of the past 30 years has led me to three conclusions (observations) I would like to share.
Homeopath and Doctor Krunal Kosada(Hpathy 2021)
On the 31/9/2019 A 10 Year old Boy felt persecuted and hindered, and ideas crowding his mind were among the symptoms. Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
A Behavioural case helped by Phosphorus. SY is a 3 year old boy. The main reason of visit Mum says ‘He wakes up every morning early 7:30 am and sometimes at 6am. He also wakes in the middle of the night 3am and will be wide awake for 2 or three hours. He goes all over the bed in his sleep. I can’t sleep because he moves so much. Very often I will find him upside down in the morning when I walk in’. ‘He is like a wasp if he doesn’t sleep! He gets really thick. If kids come to play he will lash out. Literally strike the other child or even threaten to punch them’. Written by Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
Clara came to Homeopathy in November 2017. ‘I will be sitting my Leaving Certificate Exam in June next year. I am not feeling ‘cool’ about it at all! I appear to be calm about it all but my physical body is saying different things. I have problems with my periods. That has never been an issue with me before’. |
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