Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (March 2021)
D.O. came to me for a consultation. ‘He hides behind his computer and is addicted to games and playstation. He was always whingy as a child, crying on your lap, playing the victim card. He was great playing the fooball until recently. He has a wheeze in his chest and can’t get his breath. Now he doesn’t want to train or play the matches’, reports Dad. ‘Coaches are shouting at you to keep moving all the time. All that shouting.’ D.O. says, ‘I have been training, running every day and then at a match, the shouting and my breaths goes. I am wheezing. They think I am unfit but I am not’.
Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
Homeoprophylaxis, also known as HP, is nontoxic and inexpensive form of medicine. It is a safe and effective form of immune education to protect from infectious disease. In countries such as India, where HP is sanctioned by the government, doctors are able to openly administer HP and achieve outstanding results. Homeoprophylaxis costs less than pennies per person due to the fact that very little source material can produce enough HP for thousands, if not millions, of people. Homeopathy Papers
June 16, 2017 by Jyl Steinback, Maryann Ivons When we think about the core concepts of Homeopathy, we first think of totality. This means that the person is more than the sum of their parts. When we treat illnesses with homeopathy we consider more than the cough or the runny nose we look at how this insult to the vital force is affecting the whole person. When we think about supporting the vital force to maintain health we consider a wide range of factors that contribute to the maintenance of a healthy organism. In our modern world this can be problematical. Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, wrote extensively on the concept of health and its relationship to illness. One of the concepts that he espouses is the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle. He believed that eating a simple nutrient rich diet, drinking clean water, exercise, and the ability to maintain fulfilling social relationships were the keys to healthy living and the continued balance in the vital force. To him a balanced vital force is, essentially, health. Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (January 2022)
A 12 year old boy, Jim came to me because he was changing from primary school to secondary school. This transition in his life was causing him to feel quite under the weather with lots of colds and flu symptoms, skin eruptions and outbursts of temper from time to toime. He has never been vaccinated, has attended homeopathy for his life time. His vitality was good during the interview in that he was able to speak up for himself. This young 10 year girl was first diagnosed with ADHD and received medicine in 2008. At first they gave her Ritalin, then Motiron, then Concerta, but none of the drugs worked very well. After the Concerta she became very quiet and introverted and now for a year she has been on 25 mg Strattera.
She came off the Concerta in the autumn of 2011. Before she came off it she had no facial expression, no happiness or sorrow. When she came off it she slept 13/14 hours a day and she would not go to school. She only receives the medicine in order to be able to concentrate. When she started on the medicine she lost weight and lost her appetite. She was on a protein drink for a year. On Concerta and the other 2 types of medicine she had diarrhea and headache. She does not get that on Strattera. |
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