Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora
D.I. is 18 months old. She has lots of itchy spots in her hair. And the backs of her hands are swollen from her scratching the skin. Anamnesis D.I.’s skin issues started at 9 months of age. The skin becomes red and is very raw in appearance. At time the skin weeps clear fruit. It is much worse during teething tomes.
Edel Bolger O'Hora, Homeopath
MO is 4 years old, a boy with blue eyes and dark hair. Anamnesis MO presented with a history of sinus and chest infections since a baby. He has tried nasal steroid spray, ventolin and becatide inhalers were all at maximum dose and he still is tired, congested and fed up. Family Anamnesis There is heart problems and Alzheimers in the family history from both maternal and paternal sides. There is also a history where Dad has been treated for sinus all through his lifetime too. Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (October 2022)
A 7 year old came to me some years ago. He is a sensitive child and is very aware of the adults behaviours around him. His teacher at school was very hard on other children in the class. He is a thin child, loosing his teeth at the time of interview and clinging to his Mum. He told me : ‘I am trying my best, no one is listening!’. ‘I have a sore mouth. On my gums and on the cheeks inside. It tastes terrible, sour’. ‘My skin is sensitive too, I get sun burned easily’. ‘My friends at school are nice but there are some that are not nice. I stay away from them!’ ‘I get nervous and then my ‘poos’ are loos. I just get cramps in my stomach’. Homeopath Edel Bolger O’Hora (May 2022)
C.A. is an eleven year old girl who came to my practice in 2013. She is a shy child, thin and has mousy brown hair. She is quite thirsty and absolutely won’t eat ‘peas’. Her biggest fear is that something bad will happen her mother and father. MA came to the Homeopathic Practice (RHSL) in 2013 aged 5years. He was having problems at school, hiding under the table when corrected and was screaming at other children from time to time.
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